Brake Shoes - Lined

Replacing truck brake shoes as soon as they start showing problems
is imperative to maintain a safe driving condition.
FB4004MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted G.P. shoes “P” type with eye washers. With brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4004AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted G.P. shoes “P” type with eye washers. With brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4008AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted Fruehauf shoes “P” type with eye washers. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4012MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes Q brake. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4012AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes Q brake. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4020MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4023MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes BPW New Gen. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4023AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes BPW New Gen. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4043GK | Textar Lining | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes BPW brake 95. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
420 x 180mm |
FB4043MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes BPW brake 95. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
420 x 180mm |
FB4043AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes BPW brake 95. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
420 x 180mm |
FB4046G | Hendrickson H20 |
HXS Brake Major Overhaul Kit 2 x Lined rivetted shoes Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4048KT | Genuine Lining |
2 x Lined rivetted York 19.5” Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
335 x 210mm |
FB4049MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes Q plus. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4049AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted shoes Q plus. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4052GK | BPW Genuine Shoe |
2 x Lined rivetted shoes, BPW Brake 95 SN3620. Complete with hardware. (Sold As Pair) |
19.5” (495mm) |
FB4055MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted Fruehauf XEM shoes. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4055AF557K | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted Fruehauf XEM shoes. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
16.5” x 7” (420 x 178mm) |
FB4058 | NA42 Axle Dynamics |
2 x Lined rivetted SAF shoes with rollers | 420 x 180mm |
FB4058G | Genuine SAF | 1 x Lined rivetted SAF shoe with rollers | 420 x 180mm |
FB4059MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted Hendrickson shoes Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 8.625” (420 x 219mm) |
FB4059G | Genuine Hendrickson |
1 x Lined rivetted Hendrickson shoe | 16.5” x 8.625” (420 x 219mm) |
FB4061G | Hendrickson N15 |
2 x Lined rivetted Hendrickson shoes | 15” x 8.625” (381 x 219mm) |
FB4062AF557 | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted SAF shoes Z9-4218 & SKRZ 9040 axle |
420 x 180mm |
FB4100 | Proline 4710 | 2 x Lined rivetted brake shoes Fuwa K Hitch D20-070101 |
15” x 8.625” (381 x 219mm) |
FB4101MG1 | Meritor MG1 | 2 x Lined rivetted brake shoes 19.5” Meritor |
15” x 8.625” (381 x 219mm) |
FB4101MG2 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted brake shoes, 19.5” Meritor Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel |
15” x 8.625” (381 x 219mm) |
FB4103 | Meritor MG2 | 2 x Lined rivetted brake shoes 4705 Q Plus Meritor Steer (Not Suitable Ingersol). Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
15” x 7” (381 x 178mm) |
FB5046KT | Frasle AF557 | 2 x Lined rivetted G.P. Brake shoe Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
12.25” x 7.5” (311 x 190mm) |
FB5062 |
LanoFlex |
2 x Lined rivetted Meritor “Q” type 1308 shoes front axle |
15” x 4” (381 x 102mm) |
FB5063 | Bendix | 2 x Lined rivetted Meritor “P” type 1308 shoes front axle |
15” x 4” (381 x 102mm) |
FB5065 | DuraLine | 1 x Lined rivetted Eaton quick change 1308L shoe front axle |
15” x 4” (381 x 102mm) |
FB5069 | Proline | 2 x Lined rivetted brake shoes ROR / FUWA Q Type |
310 x 190mm |
FB5072 | NA42 Axle Dynamics |
2 x Lined rivetted ROR BMX Brake |
350 x 200mm |
FB5073G | Genuine SAF Textar |
4 x Lined rivetted brake shoes SAF Z9-4218. Comes with hardware. (1 Axle Set) |
420x180mm |
FB5082MG2 | Meritor MG2 | Lined rivetted steer axle “Q” plus 4720 shoe. Complete with brake hardware 1 wheel. |
16.5” x 5” (419 x 127mm) |
FB5083MG1 | Meritor MG1 | Lined rivetted steer axle Meritor “Q” 4524 shoe |
16.5” x 5” (419 x 127mm) |
FB5088MG1 | Meritor MG1 | 2 x Lined rivetted steer axle “Q” plus 4715 shoe |
16.5” x 6” (419 x 152mm) |
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - G.P shoes “P” type - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4004AF557K ..
$127.60 $176.00 Ex Tax: $116.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - G.P shoes “P” type - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4004MG2 ..
$146.30 $181.50 Ex Tax: $133.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - Fruehauf shoes “P” type with eye washers - 16.5" x 7". Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4008AF557K ..
$123.20 $159.50 Ex Tax: $112.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - Q Brake - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware Kit
PART NO : FB4012AF557K ..
$121.00 $159.50 Ex Tax: $110.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - Q Brake - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4012MG2  ..
$143.00 $187.00 Ex Tax: $130.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - Eaton shoes 4311J - 16.5" x 7". Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4020MG2  ..
$231.00 $294.80 Ex Tax: $210.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - BPW New Gen - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4023AF557K ..
$154.00 $203.50 Ex Tax: $140.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - BPW New Gen - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4023MG2 ..
$154.00 $201.30 Ex Tax: $140.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - BPW brake 95 - 420 x 180mm. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4043AF557K ..
$143.00 $198.00 Ex Tax: $130.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - BPW brake 95 - 420 x 180mm. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4043MG2 ..
$148.50 $192.50 Ex Tax: $135.00
Textar Lined Brake Shoe - BPW brake 95 - 420 x 180mm. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4043GK ..
$269.50 $341.00 Ex Tax: $245.00
Hendrickson H20 Lined Brake Shoe - HXS Brake Major Overhaul Kit - 16.5” x 7”
PART NO : FB4046G ..
$330.00 $440.00 Ex Tax: $300.00
Lined Brake Shoe - York 19.5” - 335 x 210mm. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4048KT ..
$209.00 $264.00 Ex Tax: $190.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - Q Plus - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4049AF557K ..
$143.00 $187.00 Ex Tax: $130.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - Q Plus - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4049MG2  ..
$148.50 $187.00 Ex Tax: $135.00
BPW Lined Brake Shoe - BPW Brake 95 - 19.5". Comes with Hardware. (Sold As Pair)
PART NO : FB4052GK ..
$363.00 $456.50 Ex Tax: $330.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - Fruehauf XEM - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4055AF557K ..
$126.50 $154.00 Ex Tax: $115.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - Fruehauf XEM - 16.5” x 7”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4055MG2 ..
$159.50 $192.50 Ex Tax: $145.00
Genuine Lined Brake Shoe - 1 x SAF Shoe with Roller - 420 x 180mm
PART NO : FB4058G ..
$187.00 $231.00 Ex Tax: $170.00
NA42 Lined Brake Shoe - SAF Shoe with Rollers - 420 x 180mm
PART NO : FB4058 ..
$176.00 $236.50 Ex Tax: $160.00
Genuine Hendrickson Lined Brake Shoe - 420 x 219mm
PART NO : FB4059G  ..
$176.00 $236.50 Ex Tax: $160.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - Hendrickson Shoes - 420 x 219mm. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4059MG2 ..
$187.00 $246.40 Ex Tax: $170.00
N15 Lined Brake Shoe - Hendrickson Shoe - 381 x 219mm
PART NO : FB4061G ..
$168.30 Ex Tax: $153.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - SAF Suit Z9-4218 & SKRZ 9040 axle - 420 x 180mm
PART NO : FB4062AF557 ..
$198.00 $257.40 Ex Tax: $180.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - Meritor - 19.5”. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4101MG2 ..
$253.00 $291.50 Ex Tax: $230.00
PROLINE 4710 Lined Brake Shoe - Fuwa K Hitch D20-070101
PART NO : FB4100 ..
$143.00 $170.50 Ex Tax: $130.00
Meritor-Euclid MG2 Lined Brake Shoe - 4705 Q Plus Meritor Steer - 15" x 7". Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB4103MG2  ..
$198.00 $225.50 Ex Tax: $180.00
FRAS-LE AF557 Lined Brake Shoe - General Purpose - 12.25” x 7.5”. Comes with Hardware Kit
PART NO : FB5046KT  ..
$242.00 $297.00 Ex Tax: $220.00
NA42 Lined Brake Shoe - Meritor “Q” type 1308 - 15” x 4”
PART NO : FB5062 ..
$198.00 $242.00 Ex Tax: $180.00
NA42 Lined Brake Shoe - Eaton Quick Change 1308E - 15” x 4”
PART NO : FB5065 ..
$121.00 Ex Tax: $110.00
Proline Lined Brake Shoes, Including Hardware Kit - ROR / FUWA Q Type - 310 x 190mm
PART NO : FB5069 ..
$170.50 $214.50 Ex Tax: $155.00
SAF Z9-4218, x4 Lined Brake Shoes - 420 x 180mm. Comes with Hardware
PART NO : FB5073G ..
$770.00 $968.00 Ex Tax: $700.00